It's time to announce the 4th annual Kurozawa Kids Christmas Wish Drive to benefit the Milwaukee Rescue Mission.
This year the donation drive is coordinated through @AMillion4Kids, meaning this year we are also able to accept cash donations.
Mia (6th grade) and Noah (4th grade) have enjoyed supporting the Milwaukee Rescue Mission the past few years, being able to bring smiles to children and families who are going through difficult times, but none of it has been possible with out the support and generosity of our friends and family.
This year Mia and Noah welcome their younger sister Isabela (Kindergarten) into the fold.
Below is a list of the Christmas Wish items that the Milwaukee Rescue Mission is asking for this year:
• New toys for children,
from babies to teens
• Watches and jewelry
• Perfumes
• Lotions
• Soaps and Luffas
• Women’s robes
and slippers
• Gift cards
• Wrapping paper—
we will need to wrap
hundreds of gifts!
• Socks and insulated gloves
(men, women and children)
• Hats and scarves for men,
women and children
• Underwear (all sizes,
especially children’s
sizes 2-6, men’s &
women’s large sizes)
• Men’s belts
• Juice
• Fruit
• Snack items
Personal&Baby Care
• Diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6)
• Pull-ups
• Baby wipes
• Spill-proof sippy cups, baby bottles
• Pain relievers, cough/cold/flu medications with
no alcohol content (infant, child and adult strengths)
• Hand lotion
• Deodorant
• Vaseline
Any help that you can provide between now and December 19th would be greatly appreciated. The kids are hoping for the largest donation to date for this effort.
Please pick something on the list…or if you are interested in making a monetary donation, please make checks out to “A Million 4 Kids” and put MRM in the Memo line.
For more information, please feel free to contact me at
The kids will be coordinating donation pickups between December 4-19, with final drop off on Monday December 20th at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission.
Thank you and God Bless this Christmas season!