Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year message

Monday, December 29, 2008

2008 Blessings

Going through my "church bag" yesterday (yes I have a church bag, which holds my bible, moleskine, notebook for class and sermon notes, etc)I found notes from last January from the old Home Improvement class on what I can celebrate from the year past and what to strive for in the new year.

That got me to thinking, I need to take some time to focus on my blessings this year before I start moving into 2009. Most of my thoughts (of 2008) have been consumed by the frustrations and struggles of the past year (struggles at work, the flood, finances, etc).

This is my chance now to share with each of you the things I have been blessed by this year (as I wrote in my personal notes):
- The birth of my daughter Alayna Faith
- My family's health (no major issues this year)
- Another year at my job (stability)
- Reconnecting with my father and sisters
- helping launch a new Life Group at Spring Creek (and forging new friendships)
- Continued increase in my spiritual life/walk
- Involvement with my kids in Upwards basketball and soccer
- the help of Spring Creek and others (financially, etc)
- God's continued favor in my strengths (broadcasting, sports, coaching)
- the multitude of opportunities that have been opened for my family (through work, church)

This is not my way of bragging or saying "hey I had a better year than you", I just want to publicly declare the things that God has blessed me with this year...and this is just a partial list.

We tend to dwell on the bad things that have happened, asking for help in areas of need...but we tend to forget to praise the things that have blessed and fulfilled our lives.

Friends...take time over the next few days to sit down and write out what you have been blessed with this year. You may have had an extremely difficult year, but put all that aside and think about the good things in your life. Yes there will be may surprise yourself.

This is going to lead into my new video blog about the new year and the main word...CHANGE!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Thoughts


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thinking about this Christmas

Christmas has really become a time of year for me to look back on the year that has been...and to give thanks for what I have (yeah I know alot of people do that over Thanksgiving)

For anyone that really knows me and my family, this has been a tough year for us. This has probably been the financially toughest year we have ever faced (like so many other families out there). We have had many a day wondering "how are we going to pay the mortgage", "how are we going to pay for this car repair" "are we going to be able to afford Christmas".

Bottom line...these are things that I should not be dwelling on, spending all my time and energy worrying about. Do not dwell on what you do not have, but offer up Thanks and Praise for what you do have.

I am thankful for the fact that, while so many other people have lost jobs, I have a job with an excellent company. I am grateful that I have a decent home to live in that keeps my wife and children safe, warm and protected...while there are others that have lost their homes because of the economy or some tragedy.
Thank God that my family and I are healthy (minus the typical child colds, coughs and sniffles)...I know of many people struggling this year with serious illness and have know a few that are no longer with us.
I am eternally grateful to my heavenly Father for the 4 beautiful children I have...knowing there are couples out there trying desperately to have just one child, while other have lost children due to illness, tragedy or other means.
Praise God that I have a church to worship in, with a church family that is supportive and caring, I know in my heart there are others who either choose not to go to church or feel unwelcome...and in other countries, worshiping our Almighty God would lead to ridicule, torture, even death...just for believing.

There is so much more I can write...but know that I am thankful for the small and the big things in my life and really do not take anything for granted...for it can all be gone in an instant. But above matter what may happen tomorrow, next week or next year, I know my Father, my Amazing God, HE will provide for me!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Weekend family pictures

Mia and her "twin" sister???

Noah-Future Today's TMJ4 Sports Anchor??

Bella meets Santa and Mrs Claus!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mia and Noah Kurozawa and the Christmas Wish drive for Milwaukee Rescure Mission

Here is video I posted on Facebook about Mia and Noah's Christmas Wish drive for the Milwaukee Rescue Mission.

If you would like to help and donate a new, unwrapped toy or item, please email me at by December 17th

Here is a link to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission website for more info on the items they are asking for:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas is thoughts

Hard to believe that Christmas is only 2 weeks away....and I will admit I have gotten caught up in the "hoopla" of Christmas. I was one of the crazy masses out on Black Friday...I have been traveling around looking for the latest, greatest deal to buy.
I am most disappointed that once again I have left behind the TRUE meaning of Christmas....Jesus Christ.

Don't get me wrong...I have NOT gone 100% Santa/Happy Holiday/Don't show me a Nativity. What I mean is I am once again caught up in the fervor of presents under the tree for the kids. Every year I want to do more for others...but it always comes a little too late. I keep reading stories of what others have been doing and I think "wow I should be doing something like that with my family" Not for the attention or accolades, but because we have been blessed again this year and we need to do something to give back.

This year I am helping the kids with something that we did last year with our oldest daughter Mia. Once again the kids are running a Christmas toy drive for the Milwaukee Rescue Mission...for two reasons. One (and most importantly) is to give to others that are in need, those that do not have what we have. Secondly, to teach the kids the to appreciate what they do have and to help "the least of these". It has been a challenge, but Mia and Noah are doing a great job with it.
Have been watching video posts of Gary Vaynerchuk (thanks to J-Dizzle for leading me on to him)...and getting a lot of great ideas of things to do, not just with my work, but personally. Which leads me to wanting to start a video blog.
For those of you that know me'll immediately say "Jon-you have tried stuff like his before with the radio show, podcasts, blogs etc" Yes my friends you are right...but I am feeling this is something that can explode.

Hopefully before Christmas I can roll out the first sets of videos (if I win the cheap Flip Video I am bidding on at EBay)...but the question is...What will the Video posts be about.

I had thought of doing an "Edge of Sports" video blog....or something with wrestling (yes another one of my secret passions). Honestly what I am thinking of doing is actually combining my work and some of my strengths. That's all I can say for now (don't want anyone stealing my idea) but lets just will be a combination of the work I do on the Channel 10 auction, what I have done on the radio and my current work with the Online Radio Outlet.

Watch for more update about this on my Facebook page or at