Wednesday, November 3, 2010 (an update on the Journey of Life)

A few days ago I was inspired to start writing the “Journey of Life” blog…but I was hit with another inspiration that is changing my vision for this blog, at least for the next 8 weeks.

These final two months of 2010 will be filled with thoughts of Thanksgiving and Christmas, two holidays that many of us have begun to take for granted. This is a time of the year that my wife and I have worked over the past few years to inspire our children to care for others and give more than they receive.

With that in mind, I cannot write a blog that is focusing in on my life.

In the spirit of the “Give This New Year Away” blogs from earlier this year, I will be dedicating the next 8 weeks to focusing on others in need.

There will be suggestions of ways to give back, stories of triumph during the holidays, listings of volunteer opportunities and special events to participate in. Plus I will feature people and families that may need our help in one way or another.

This will be something unlike anything I have done before…but I look forward to sharing with you and hopefully inspiring you, while I inspire my children.

Won’t you please join me and my family, as we embark on this holiday adventure. Share your ideas, stories and events with all of us.

In the words of Matthew West…let’s Give This Christmas (and holiday season) Away!

Posted via email from From the mind of Jon Kurozawa (an update on the Journey of Life)

A few days ago I was inspired to start writing the “Journey of Life” blog…but I was hit with another inspiration that is changing my vision for this blog, at least for the next 8 weeks.

These final two months of 2010 will be filled with thoughts of Thanksgiving and Christmas, two holidays that many of us have begun to take for granted. This is a time of the year that my wife and I have worked over the past few years to inspire our children to care for others and give more than they receive.

With that in mind, I cannot write a blog that is focusing in on my life.

In the spirit of the “Give This New Year Away” blogs from earlier this year, I will be dedicating the next 8 weeks to focusing on others in need.

There will be suggestions of ways to give back, stories of triumph during the holidays, listings of volunteer opportunities and special events to participate in. Plus I will feature people and families that may need our help in one way or another.

This will be something unlike anything I have done before…but I look forward to sharing with you and hopefully inspiring you, while I inspire my children.

Won’t you please join me and my family, as we embark on this holiday adventure. Share your ideas, stories and events with all of us.

In the words of Matthew West…let’s Give This Christmas (and holiday season) Away!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Season of change...the Journey of Life.

Inspiration for writing comes from many different places...personal experiences, reading something, seeing something on TV.

My first blog post in a few months is inspired by a few things. This morning I received an email about the 20th anniversary of a website that I frequent. Recently I have been reflective on life, experiences, successes, failures. Reconnecting with an old friend from two decades ago, someone that was very influential during a difficult time in my life. All of these things have inspired me.

This year I turned 40, sort of a turning point in my life. I have been doing a lot of reflecting, thinking about the past...the good, the bad, the mistakes I have made, the great decisions. Looking back...twenty years ago, the midway mark of my life to this point...was the ending of one part and the beginning of another.

Twenty years ago, I was at the lowest point of my life, not sure what I was going to do or where I was going to go. Thanks to a high school friend coming to my aid and the support of two dear friends, I was able to refocus and begin to to get my life back on track. A new chapter began.

Leading up to that "new chapter" were days, weeks and months of heartbreak, uncertainty and regrets. I will openly admit to the entire world...there have been things I have done in my life I am not very proud of. I have lied, hurt people, betrayed people I have called my friends. I wish I could apologize to everyone that I have wronged.

If not for two people, I would not have made it back to where I could "re-start" my life. My best friend and blood brother Rob was there for me through the good and bad, went down the highway of life and hit every bump in the road with me. If not for an argument over something that best friends should not argue over, Rob and I would be as close as we were in our youth. I regret the road I took Rob down in our reckless youth...the troubles I led him through.

The other person is someone I will never forget, can never thank enough for all that she did for me. Kim and I met under less than normal circumstances, teenagers from completely different backgrounds with nothing in common. A chance early morning meeting led to a unique that opened my eyes, mind and heart to a whole new world. Kim was there at the darkest night of my life, pulling me in from the edge. She was the voice that brought me home from halfway across the country at a time when I was ready to leave it all, run from what I needed to face. For 20 years, a true angel in my life was lost because of my own ignorance and stupidity, but thankfully we have re-connected. But lost is the friendship that was so special to me.

Why do I share this with all of you know? I have been criticized over the past year for the candidness I display and how open I am with things that go on in my life. Though I have made many mistakes in my life, regret some of the things I have done...I am not ashamed to admit who I am, the struggles I am going through.

I am know for being an active member of the Twitter community, as the loud and sometimes obnoxious MPTV Auction guy, the voice of numerous sports and radio broadcasts, among other things. But how many people know the "Real" Jon Kurozawa?

Outside of my beautiful wife of 14 years (whom I met at the beginning of the "new chapter" I mentioned earlier...only a few know some of the revealing stories of my life.

It's time for the world to get to know who I really am...where I came from, who I am, what I am all about. You see memoirs written by famous people later in life...I will share the past, present and future with each of story at a time.

The next chapter in the life story of Jon continues and I would like all of you to join me...for all the ups and downs, smiles and tears, joy and pain. In the process, share with me your stories of triumph and tragedy...let us lift each other up and encourage as we all go on this journey of life.