Sunday, January 3, 2010

Give This New Year Away #2-The coffee is on me

Pay for the coffee for the person behind you in line.

Much like #1, this could come as difficult for some of you, but imagine the feeling you would get if the person at the counter said to you "Someone has already paid for this for you". Pay for that cup of coffee for that person behind you. Give them a little liquid gift. Sounds pretty simple doesn't it.

Guess what...someone else has already done that for you, has paid the price for someting for you...Jesus Christ. When He was nailed to the cross, He not only died, but paid the price for all of our sins. The debt has been paid!

I'm not saying that paying for someone's coffee will be the greatest gift they have ever received, but it could be the spark to light their day. The greatest gifts don't always have to be large, wrapped with a big red bow and be given on birthdays, Christmas or anniversaries.

Best way to do this is quietly, without attention being drawn to you, but in most cases you will need to say something to the person simply to make sure the bill is paid in full. Watch the reaction you get...but you don;t need to say anything other than, "This one is on me!"


Posted via web from jonkurozawa's posterous

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