Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Give This New Year Away #4- Be a teacher!

You are never too old to learn.

You can always turn every situation into a teaching moment.


If you are a parent, this is an ongoing process, always teaching your children…rights and wrongs, what to do and not to do. Not only is this something a parent can do with their children, but each of us can do this on a daily basis. Teach your children about your job…what you do, what you do to succeed. Stay at home moms??? You have a very important job...teach you kids about the things you do during the day.


No kids? What about your spouse? Teach them about something you are interested in? Teach your parents…help them with the internet, their DVR or another piece of technology they are struggling with.


In our work lives, we can teach as well. Help that coworker next to you that is struggling with a program, document or project. Teach them how to find new clients, make more appointments, be more productive with their time.


There are many ways that we can all reach out and teach others around us…we just have to open our eyes to the opportunities.

Instruct the wise, and they will be even wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn even more.

~ Proverbs 9:9, NLT

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